Henrico Roofing
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Call us for a Free, No Commitments, Roof Assessment to apply spray polyurethane foam roofing. We offer spray foam roofing service for flat and low pitched commercial and residential roofs in Henrico Virginia including the Greater Richmond areas, such as Mechanicsville, Glen Allen, Short Pump, New Kent, Ashland, Varina, Highland Springs, and surrounding areas. We work on single family homes, town homes, apartments, churches, stores, offices, and medical clinics and we are licensed, bonded and insured in the state of Virginia.
Spray Foam Roofing
Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing has been around for 50 years being used as a roofing and insulating material. It was first used in 1954 for refrigerators and some industrial applications. Some foam roofs have been in place for decades, and can last many more if they are maintained with a protective flexible coating against the sun’s rays and impact. The foam doesn’t degrade so its insulation factor of 7.14 per inch stays the same. A foam roofing system can produce an energy saving of 30% or greater over other more traditional roofing systems.
Many Homeowners Have Used it for Insulation Purposes
Many homeowners may have used a spray can of Great Stuff (expanding foam) around the home for insulating inside hollow cavities around windows or where cables and pipes enter the home. This is the same sort of chemical reaction that occurs on the roof. As soon as it’s sprayed, foam is produced and expands its way across into empty spaces. The foam hardens into a closed celled block form- no cavities inside that could hold moisture.
Spray Polyurethane Foam - what is it?
Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing has been around for 50 years being used as a roofing and insulating material. It was first used in 1954 for refrigerators and some industrial applications. Some foam roofs have been in place for decades, and can last many more if they are maintained with a protective flexible coating against the sun’s rays and impact. The foam doesn’t degrade so its insulation factor of 7.14 per inch stays the same. A foam roofing system can produce an energy saving of 30% or greater over other more traditional roofing systems.
SPF roof is normally a 2-layer system:
- The first layer is the polyurethane foam.
- The second or top layer is a coating of flexible silicone or acrylic coating with embedded granules used to protect against the sun’s UV rays, plus it strengthens the surface against damage from various sources.
Step one would be preparation of the roof’s surface it needs to be clean of all loose gravel, dirt, sand, water, and oil. Most contaminants can be vacuumed up, and then any weak or low points in the roof substrate can be fixed before the foam is applied.
Step two is the spraying of the foam. A special sprayer combines 2 liquids as it’s sprayed onto the substrate it begins to produce an expanding foam. The applicator will continue to spray foam in a covering pattern till foam covers the entire roof. The foam will harden within 24 hours to a solid waterproof surface. Foam does not require flashing material because it creates a watertight seal around any roof openings (vents, hoses and cables) when sprayed directly around them reducing the likely hood of leaks from the most common sourced locations. The foam will also expand and contract with the building as it heats and cools reducing stress fractures.
Experienced Operator is a Necessity
Extensive training and experience is needed for a proper application. The applicator has to keep a very steady hand while spray as deviation will produce peaks and valleys which will lead to water pooling on the roof (pooling water will decay the protective silicone coating) reducing the lifespan of the roof. It should also be applied on a dry calm day- no wind to blow the spray around- accidental coverage is very hard to remove.
Fire Resistant
This is a great roof choice for those business that work with high temperature applications, such as welding, bakeries, restaurants … any business with fire hazards because it gives extra protection against a fire spreading by the roof.
Contact Henrico Roofing (804) 894-9139 and schedule a free, no commitments, roof assessment and ask a roofing consultant if a spray polyurethane foam roof is a good solution for your roofing needs.